Fast convert PPTX presentation to PDF document with ease.

files Select PPTX file

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Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei.pptx

1.19 MB

Uploading... 0%

Convert Convert

Processing... 0%


Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei.pdf

1.19 MB

Convert Your file will be deleted permanently.

PDFgear PPTX to PDF Converter

Convert PPTX into PDFs fast and easily for individuals or organizations that need to share or distribute them in PDF that can be readily viewed and printed on a range of devices.

Guaranteed security

Guaranteed security

Your safety is our priority, PDFgear doesn’t save your files whatsoever. Uploaded files will be completely deleted from our server once you leave the website. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.

Convert any presentation format to PDF

Convert any presentation format to PDF

PDFgear is a complete PPTX to PDF converter that allows for lossless conversions from any type of PPT presentation including PowerPoint (PPT) and PowerPoint XML (PPTX). Just drag in your files to give it a try!

Completely free PPTX to PDF converter

Completely free PPTX to PDF converter

PDFgear is a completely-free PPTX to PDF converter that helps change XML presentations to documents without any cost. Moreover, the service is clean and watermark-free.

Extremely user friendly

Extremely user friendly

PDFgear cares about PDF conversion green hands and offers an intuitive converter UI for users to easily convert PPTX to PDF in a drag-and-drop manner, no further actions needed to be taken!

Works on any device

Works on any device

The cloud-based converter service PDFgear works on all mainstream devices including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. Facilely convert PPTX to documents on both PC and mobile!

An unlimited PPTX to PDF converter

An unlimited PPTX to PDF converter

Unlike any other online PDF converters, PDFgear doesn’t have limitations in the number or size of the uploaded files. You are allowed to convert as many/large PPTX files as you want, even for free users.

How to Convert PPTX to PDF Online for Free

Step 1. Upload PPTX to PDFgear.

Drag and drop your PPTX file (.pptx) into the PDFgear online converter tool, then your XML presentation files will be automatically uploaded.

Step 2. Convert PPTX to PDF with PDFgear.

Then PDFgear will automatically process and convert your PPTX files to PDF documents.

Step 3. Save the converted PDF document.

The conversion will finish in 2 seconds, and then the blue Download button will appear. Hit it to download the converted PDF document.

play button

Batch convert PPTX to PDF documents for free?

Try PDFgear software.
